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Europe before World War II

World War I Begins

01. August 1914.

The First World War lasted from 1914 to 1918. In the conflict between two military alliances: the Allies gathered around the Triple Entente, and the Central Powers, 70 million people were under arms, and more than 15 million were killed. The war brought enormous destruction to countries and economies. As a result, a new political map of Europe was created.

Scene 1: Ovo je moja porodica

1938. - 1940.
1938. - 1940.

Scene 1: Ovo je moja porodica

Dom vojske (Subotica), Crkva Svetog blagoveštenja (Prilep) i Ul. Lukijana Mušickog (Novi Sad)

Scene 2: Moj mali tenk

07. May 1938. - 1940.
Saturday, 07. May 1938. - 1940.

Scene 2: Moj mali tenk

Ul. Divčibarska 10

Scene 3: To sam ja

1938. - 1940.
1938. - 1940.

Scene 3: To sam ja

Ul. Divčibarska 10, Lika (selo Glavace)

Scene 4: Ovo je Beograd

1938. - 1940.
1938. - 1940.

Scene 4: Ovo je Beograd

Kalemegdan, Terazije, Slavija

Scene 5: Parting with the Father

January 1941.
January 1941.

Scene 5: Parting with the Father

Ul. Divčibarska, logor Jasenovac, logor Osnabrück

Scene 6: Kada su nad Beogradom u dimu gorela slova

06. April 1941.
06. April 1941.

Scene 6: Kada su nad Beogradom u dimu gorela slova

Beogradski zoo vrt, (stara) Narodna biblioteka, Vaznesenjska crkva i Terazije

Scene 7: Nemci u Beogradu

July 1941.
July 1941.

Scene 7: Nemci u Beogradu

Terazije, Kalemegdan i luka Beograd

Scene 8: Ucena

September 1941.
September 1941.

Scene 8: Ucena

Ul. Divčibarska 10 i Kneza Miloša 93 (nekadašnja ul. Miloša Velikog)

Scene 9: Kod čika Đorđa

November 1941.
November 1941.

Scene 9: Kod čika Đorđa

Ul. Kneza Miloša 93 (nekadašnja ul. Miloša Velikog)

Scene 10: Otpor i borba

May 1942.
May 1942.

Scene 10: Otpor i borba

Ul. Kneza Miloša 93 (nekadašnja ul. Miloša Velikog) i ul. Alekse Nenadovića 31

Scene 11: Zrna kafe

July 1942.
July 1942.

Scene 11: Zrna kafe

Ul. Alekse Nenadovića 31

Scene 12: Gospođa Lučika i dobri Fric

May 1943.
May 1943.

Scene 13: Ranac

May 1944.
May 1944.

Scene 13: Ranac

Ul. Knjeginje Zorke 80 (Zorina)

Scene 14: U mraku

October 1944.
October 1944.

Scene 14: U mraku

Ul. Knjeginje Zorke 80 (Zorina)

Scene 15: Veliki tenk

November 1944.
November 1944.

Scene 15: Veliki tenk

Raskrsnica ul.Knjeginje Zorke i ul. Krunske

Scene 16: Gradio sam novi svet

December 1950.
December 1950.

Scene 16: Gradio sam novi svet

Novi Beograd (blok 32)
